

What we want for preschoolers is based on the work of Jean Paiget and David Weikart, and what we understand about the nature of children and how they develop.

  • We believe children learn what they interact with the world around them
  • We believe that children learn through first-hand sensory perception of feeling, listening, smelling, tasting, and observing
  • We believe that children learn through experimentation, manipulation, trial & error.

“We have come to realize, more than ever, just how important it is to approach children where they are, not where we want them to be… I challenge all early childhood educators, policy makers, and parents to stem from the tide; fact and figures before they are ready, and to focus instead on nurturing their special skills and abilities.  ~David Weikart

Kidz World Academy understands that your new bundle of joy is the center of your world, and we will treat them as such.

Our preschool classrooms are creating a community of learners that support and grow. They will be eager to learn new skills, and ready to absorb any and all new knowledge.

Children in our preschool classroom  are fully potty trained and will continue to develop and explore in their environments.

Your child is now a Toddler and beginning to explore and investigate the environment around them.